CG ACADEMY: Lighting & Rendering Fundamentals1: Light&Colour Theory

. domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

CG ACADEMY: Lighting&Rendering Fundamentals1:Light&Colour Theory [HF,FS,Fs]

3DS Max Video Training | Hotfile-FileServe-FileSonic | 3.3Gb

This is the first DVD in a series that will teach you the theory and practical aspects of rendering and lighting within 3dsmax and Maya. This DVD focuses on the theoretical aspects of light and colour, such as light reflection, colour temperature, dynamic range and much more. This DVD forms a solid foundation on which the lessons of DVD2 and beyond will be built.

This DVD is aimed at a user that has a basic practical knowledge of 3dsmax or Maya. It does not require any previous knowledge about rendering and lighting and aims to teach the topic from the ground up.


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