Carmen Aristegui regresa a MVS
Etiquetas: Aristegui, Carmen, NoticiasComunicado conjunto de Carmen Aristegui y MVS Radio
Los días recientes han sido aleccionadores para quienes nos dedicamos a la radiodifusión. Las expresiones públicas acerca del espacio de noticias matutino en MVS Radio han confirmado - tal y como lo supimos desde enero del 2009 -, el interés que puede despertar en la sociedad un programa abierto a las inquietudes de sus audiencias. Hemos corroborado que la radio, igual que otros medios de comunicación, adquiere pleno sentido cuando funciona con criterios de servicio público y así lo hace al retroalimentarse en las preocupaciones de los radioescuchas.
También hemos tomado en cuenta la fructífera experiencia que han significado más de dos años de colaboración profesional.
El contrato que regula esa relación profesional establece un proceso arbitral para dirimir controversias derivadas de los contenidos transmitidos en el mencionado espacio radiofónico. Tanto la empresa como la periodista Carmen Aristegui, reconocieron en días pasados la pertinencia de poner en práctica esa cláusula para resolver el diferendo que llevó a la suspensión de la relación laboral.
Con el propósito de transparentar las normas del trabajo periodístico en este espacio, ambas partes consideran oportuno dar a conocer el Código de Ética. Este documento está disponible en el sitio en Internet de Noticias MVS.
Al mismo tiempo, a fin de facilitar la interlocución con la significativa audiencia de ese espacio informativo, antes de 40 días a partir de esta fecha se designará un Defensor del radioescucha que tendrá a su cargo la evaluación regular de los contenidos con sustento en el Código de Ética. La figura del defensor de los públicos es fundamental, en el panorama internacional de los medios, para afianzar las relaciones entre periodistas, empresas informativas y sociedad.
Carmen Aristegui reanudará la conducción de su noticiero el lunes 21 de febrero de 2011.
Con estas decisiones Carmen Aristegui y su equipo de trabajo, así como MVS Radio, responden de manera transparente y pública a los requerimientos de una relevante porción de radioescuchas y ciudadanos.
Confiamos en seguir contando con su preferencia y, con ello, contribuir al desarrollo de un periodismo que sea capaz de coadyuvar en la información y la reflexión que requiere la sociedad mexicana.
México D. F, 15 de febrero de 2011.
Enlace al Código de Ética de la Primera Emisión de Noticias MVS.
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Helicópteros en miniatura que construyen estructuras
Etiquetas: curiosidades, Noticias, videosAquí Skynet haciendo sus primeros pinitos,...
En la Universidad de Pensilvania han logrado enseñar a un grupo de helicópteros en miniatura a trabajar en equipo y construir cosas.
Los helicópteros de cuatro rotores (¿cuadracóptero? ¿helicóptero cuatrimotor?) funcionan de forma autónoma. Una vez reciben las instrucciones sobre qué estructura deben mostrar se las ingenian ellos solos para lograrlo.
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Curso Interactivo de CivilCAD
Guía para "sobrevivir" en Japón
Etiquetas: curiosidades, imágenes, Japonés, NoticiasSe acabo diciembre y con él las vacaciones de fin de año. Algunos viajaron a las playas; otros, asistieron a lugares exóticos y paradisíacos.
Ahora, es momento de planear el merecido descanso de Semana Santa y una opción es Japón.
Si esta es tu principal elección, es importante que sepas que recorrer esta nación nipona cuesta más trabajo de lo que uno pensaría, pues algunas de sus costumbres resultan un poco extrañas.
Por tal motivo, los sitios y presentan una lista para que puedas sobrevivir en el sofisticado país.
Si haces caso a estos consejos hay menos posibilidades de que te miren como a un turista ignorante e insoportable.
No te suenes la nariz en público. Lo consideran una grave falta de educación; sobre todo, si sacas el pañuelo en el metro o en el autobús.
Prohibido señalar con el dedo. Los japoneses son tan respetuosos que pueden llegar a parecer fríos. Nunca les oirás hablar alto y no soportan que alguien les señale con el dedo, una actitud que encuentran amenazante. Si tienes esa tendencia, ya sabes, ¡mantén las manos siempre en los bolsillos!
Aguas con al momento de brindar. Salir de fiesta con un grupo de japoneses puede ser un peligro. Es de buena educación servir a los demás antes que a uno mismo. Ellos harán igual contigo así que ojo con las borracheras. Si vas a brindar, no se te ocurra hacerlo de una forma equívoca. Usa la palabra "kampai" (salud), para que no se sientan ofendidos.
Quítate los zapatos. Recuerda que para los nipones es una costumbre quitarse los zapatos antes de entrar a su casa, así que cuando visites algún hogar haz lo mismo; sino, lo verán como una falta de respeto.
Cuidado con las sandalias de baño. Los nipones van descalzos por la casa; sin embargo, también guardan sandalias para el baño. No tengas reparo en usarlas dentro de los servicios. El problema es despistarse y que te las dejes en los pies cuando salgas. Puede producir un cortocircuito mental en tus anfitriones.
Evita el número 4. En Japón está maldito, porque se pronuncia igual que la palabra muerte (shi). La superstición llega tan lejos que los hoteles y los hospitales suelen pasar de la planta tres a la cinco.
No enseñes los tatuajes. Los baños públicos están de moda, pero debes evitarlos si cuentas con algún tatuaje visible en tu cuerpo. Son típicos de los Yakuza (mafia japonesa) y los nipones pueden inquietarse al verlos.
No pases la comida con los palillos. No está mal visto sorber los fideos o mordisquear la comida. Sin embargo, socialmente es reprobable pasarse el sushi de un comensal a otro con los tradicionales palillos (ese gesto está reservado para las celebraciones funerarias).
Ojo con los palillos. Nunca dejes los palillos clavados en el bol de arroz. Ese movimiento es un recuerdo de ofrendas ancestrales y usarlo porque sí puede considerarse irrespetuoso.
No maltrates la tarjeta de visita. Los japoneses tienen la costumbre de darte su tarjeta de visita cuando te conocen. Es un momento crucial. Ni la arrugues, ni te la metas en el bolsillo como si nada. Lo más educado sería tomarla con las dos manos y guardarla en la cartera con el mayor cuidado.
Pirateado de De10.mxDigital Tutors – 10 Ways to Improve Your Modeling in 3ds Max
Etiquetas: 3D, 3Ds, 3ds Max, autodesk, tutorial, videos
[Hotfile + Depositfiles] [442MB]
At Digital-Tutors, we’ve found that many people starting out creating models in 3ds Max have some difficulty in creating the specific vision they have. In many cases it’s not necessarily a lack of knowledge of the tools as much as it is a lack of confidence and experience. So, to give you a head start on your modeling, we’ve put together a number of tips collected from production and from teaching students that will help you build the best models you can with minimal frustration.
We’ll begin this course by talking about breaking down our modeling projects into smaller pieces. We’ll cover methods for staying aware of as much information as possible about our geometry while we work. We’ll cover specific techniques for adding circular resolution to square objects and go over setting up Viewport Backgrounds. This course is meant for students that have some modeling experience and are familiar with the tools but would like a few tips for creating a smoother workflow and getting better results.
Pirateado de CG PersiaInsane Font Collection
Pirateado de GFXtoday
Digital Tutors – Introduction to 3ds Max 2011
[Hotfile + Depositfiles] [3.3GB]
In this course we’ll cover a wide range of topics in order to get you quickly up to speed using 3ds Max 2011.
In this course we are going to help you get a good understanding of how to work in 3ds Max.You will be able to learn from several of the instructors here at Digital Tutors as we go through many of the major parts of the software. We are going to cover a wide range of topics in this course. We will start out exploring the user interface and finding our way around 3ds Max. Then we will start to create our own custom model, a pod racer, using a number of powerful modeling tools. We will paint and texture our model, and then take it through the process of rigging and animation. We will finish up by adding dynamic effects to the scene and rendering out a nice result. Once you are finished, you will have exposure to a wide range of disciplines in 3ds Max and be able to start working on your own projects and building on the knowledge you have gained.
Pirateado de CG PersiaNew CreativX Mega Pack for Windows 7
New CreativX Mega Pack for Windows 7
Size | 991.54 MB
In this release, offered the largest collection of selected themes and other design resources (icons, Start button, wall panels, screen savers, etc.) for Windows 7 any locations, versions and architectures.
Version: New CreativX Mega Pack
Developer: CreativX
Platform: x64/x86
Language: English
Tablet: Not required
Size: 1 GB
Components of this collection are presented in the form of images, each corresponding to its direction of decoration.
How to install themes
Installation Method
Write the image to DVD, or mount a virtual drive (UltraISO, Alcohol120, DaemonTools, etc.) or extract the image to your hard drive, flash drive, external hard drive. Can be a packer WinRAR. Then run the exe-file.
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The Unknown City: Contesting Architecture and Social Space
Etiquetas: arquitectura, descarga directa, Descargas, ebooks
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Vray Material Presets Pro 2.1b
SIGERSHADERS V-Ray Material Presets Pro v.2.1.0b (2.0.9)
is a powerful material collection for 3ds max and V-Ray (MacroScript). It includes shaders like: Metal, Ceramic, Leather, Stone, Mosaic, Concrete.
370 V-Ray Material presets and templates:
Metal Materials (140) Ceramics Materials (70) Leather Materials (82) Stone Materials (36) Mosaic Materials (12) Concrete Materials (30)
Compatible with 3ds Max 2009/2010/2011. Compatible with V-Ray SP2/SP3/SP4/SP5, V-Ray 2.0
All materials have been tested by professionals on real projects.
You can select the resolution of used textures (High / Medium)
All textures used are seamless (580 maps on 1.46GB).
Friendly and simple interface.
Useful for V-Ray newbies, average and power users.
-if on Vista/Win7 disable UAC and restart pc if needed
-unplug from the net or block with the firewall
-install VMPP2
-run max
-drag the LicGen into max and create the vmpplock.dat file inside max’s root folder or select runscript and run the LicGen from within max
-start VMPP2 and on first run select this folder as your default:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2011\Scripts\SigerShaders\MPSP\maps
(you may choose to move the maps folder elsewhere and register that path instead)
-restart plugin and you’re registered!
Snowflow 1.8 for 3ds max 2009-2011 (32b/64b)
SnowFlow is a 3D Studio Max script/plugin that creates realistic snow with ease! You just pick an object and SnowFlow does the snow for you! Let the snow fall on your 3D objects and scenes with the click of a button
SnowFlow is a 3D Studio Max script/plugin that creates realistic snow with ease! You just pick an object and SnowFlow does the snow for you! Let the snow fall on your 3D objects and scenes with the click of a button.
Additional Info:
self-explaining user interface with integrated help
one-click-solution in most standard situations
multiple snow methods for different needs
advanced settings to get the best out of SnowFlow
different reality levels to control object interference
preset system for a faster workflow
full control over the calculated mesh
system unit check and conversion to achieve full snow details
autoTune options for better performance
caching system to prevent unnecessary recalculations
"SnowPlug" to stick objects into snow surfaces
"SnowPrint" to make footprints and things like that
Pirateado de GFXtodayAutodesk 3ds Max Anaglyph Stereoscopy Techniques
Autodesk 3ds Max Anaglyph Stereoscopy Techniques – This presentation covers the theory and practice of furthering the illusion of 3D by using stereoscopic techniques. Louis covers the approach of an ‘easy camera setup’ with rules for efficiency. Next, he demonstrates the process of a ‘true camera setup’. Finally, Louis explains the method of ‘anaglyph stereoscopy’ for red/blue glasses. This includes a chapter on compositing in Autodesk Combustion. Please note that although much of the presentation is conducted in 3dsMax, these techniques can be applied in Maya as well.
Use this serial : 04-2012-016
Pirateado de CG Persia3DS MAX and VIZ for Architects All 5 Modules
3DS MAX and VIZ for Architects All 5 Modules
5 CD | avi , mp4 | 2.96 GB
This entire video education is available on one DVD-ROM or in 5 individual downloadable modules. The total running time is 1789 minutes - nearly 30 hours of immersive instruction.
Module 1 - Starting
This first module contains 70 high resolution videos running 2.9 hours overall. I explain each concept and technique using 3ds Max 8 and/or VIZ 2007, which are essentially the same program (VIZ is a streamlined version of Max). The videos are captured right off my screen and you can hear my audio commentary.
You'll learn about the user interface and how to customize it, setting units properly, saving a prototype, creating and transforming objects, how to manage, display, and navigate within viewports, how to select like a pro, manage layers, control object display, and how to use grid, snap, and autosnap productively.
Due to the subject matter, this module focuses more on essential concepts, rather than on tutorials that have you building things--you'll work on projects in later modules once you have solid foundation skills.
Module 2 - Basic Modeling
This module contains 79 high resolution videos running 4.2 hours overall. I explain each concept and technique using 3ds Max 8 and/or VIZ 2007, which are essentially the same program (VIZ is a streamlined version of Max). The videos are captured right off my screen and you can hear my audio commentary.
You'll learn geometric essentials: how to work with pivot points, reference coordinate systems, transform centers, cloning, the array and mirror tools, plus you'll gain valuable alignment skills.
The module includes two mini projects where you'll apply what you learn by modeling two chairs - one with primitives and the other using modifiers. Additional topics include grouping, modifier essentials, parametric modifiers, free form deformations, selection and transform modifiers.
The order that the topics are introduced is carefully planned to deliver concepts just as you need them, making 3ds Max & VIZ modeling techniques much easier to comprehend.
Module 3 - Advanced Modeling
This module contains 138 high resolution videos running 8.8 hours overall. I explain each concept and technique using 3ds Max 8, Max 9 and/or VIZ 2007. The videos are captured right off my screen and you can hear my audio commentary.
Learn how to model almost anything you can imagine with this module. Here you'll gain advanced modeling skills that empower you to sculpt splines, patches, mesh and polygonal geometry, NURBS, and AEC objects into the myriad forms of real world architectural objects.
Numerous tutorials take you step by step through the creation of many object types including: custom made walls, windows, and doors, plus pottery, light fixtures, moldings, chairs, tables, curtains, sinks, stairs, railings, landforms, rocks, roads, 3D logos, and mechanical objects.
See how compound objects are more than the sum of their parts and how you can even use 3ds Max (not possible in VIZ) to realistically depict 3D fabrics and tensile membranes (garment maker, cloth, and HSDS modifiers), grass (particle flow or hair and fur), and simulate real world physical interactions between objects under the pull of gravity (with reactor).
Module 4 - Texturing
This module contains 104 high resolution videos running 7.0 hours overall. I explain each concept and technique using Max 9 and/or VIZ 2007. The videos are captured right off my screen and you can hear my audio commentary.
Learn how to use the material editor, browser, palettes, and navigator to craft realistic looking textures. This module will teach you everything you need to know to master materiality in 3ds Max and VIZ.
Numerous step by step tutorials walk you through complex concepts such as shaders, material components, maps, mapping channels, and assigning texture coordinates. Learn how to store alpha channels in your bitmaps and use them to create convincing image-based architectural entourage such as trees, plants, people, and cars.
You'll see how to scatter leaves within a volume to simulate shrubbery, use particle flow to simulate multicolored foliage in Max, raise surface relief with bump, displacement, and normal mapping, map reflection and refraction, create translucent effects, transmit light through substances, map and model the environment, review scanline and compound material types, and much more.
Module 5 - Rendering
This module contains 72 high resolution videos running 6.9 hours overall. I explain each concept and technique using Max 9 and/or VIZ 2007. The videos are captured right off my screen and you can hear my audio commentary.
Bring your geometry and materials to life by learning to control cameras, light, shadow, atmosphere and mood in your 3D scenes. This module will teach you the fundamentals needed to gain mastery of rendering in 3ds Max and VIZ.
Numerous step by step tutorials walk you through essential concepts such as daylight, skylight, photometric luminaires, shadow casting, depth of field, motion blur, 2-point perspective, volume light, lens effects, interactive panoramas and virtual reality models. Learn how to accelerate your rendering times by optimizing scanline, raytracer, and radiosity renderers.
You'll pick up advanced techniques such as simulating color bleeding quickly with dome lighting, creating clay renderings with skylight/light tracer and also with ambient occlusion, illuminating scenes with image based lighting (IBL), working with high dynamic range (HDR) imagery, plus learn essential workflows in mental ray, and in V-Ray.
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