Pirateado de Intercambios Virtuales
Ve vídeos, chistes, albures. Descarga utilería para 3Ds Max, tutoriales, modelos 3D. Disfruta todo lo relacionado con la cultura japonesa. Haz sugerencias
Vale, no es un efecto 3D auténtico pero hay que reconocer que el mayor mérito de Palm Top Theater es su simpleza en relación al efecto conseguido. El accesorio consiste básicamente en tres láminas de plástico que se colocan en ángulo de 45 grados con la pantalla del iPhone, resultando en un escenario con tres capas de profundidad por el que los elementos se superponen,
Desarrollado por Jitsuro Mase y Tom Nagae, i3DG funciona (mejor dicho, se puede acoplar) al iPhone 3G y iPod Touch y se puede utilizar en aplicaciones, vídeos y juegos.
Pirateado de MicrosiervosUn curioso gráfico muestra como idealizaban el futuro de 1950 en 1925. En realidad la idea no era nada mala, proponían resolver los problemas de congestión vial organizando todo en 4 niveles, el primero contendría los trenes eléctricos, el segundo los autos de tráfico rápido, el tercero los autos de trafico lento y en el cuarto solo se reservaba para los peatones. Grandes rascacielos almacenarían restaurantes, oficinas, escuelas y viviendas mientras que en las azoteas se instalarían pistas para el aterrizaje de las aeronaves.
Para los que disfrutaron de el Canal Oculto del diablo en Youtube, el siguiente video es del mismo usuario. Disfrútenlo...
Pirateado de Youtube Usuario nana825763
3DS Max Video Training | Hotfile-FileServe-FileSonic | 0.98Gb
In our second MAXScript Fundamentals DVD, Borislav "Bobo" Petrov continues our exploration of the wonderful world of MAXScript. In this DVD Bobo applies MAXScript to many real world tasks where doing things by hand would be slow and laborious, bring to bear the power of MAXScript on the masses of objects, lights and materials found in a typical 3dsmax scene.
This DVD has been designed as a continuation of our first MAXScript Fundamentals DVD (Variables, Macroscripts & Functions by Laszlo Sebo), though it can be used by existing MAXScript users to gain insight into the power of MAXScript from an acknowledged scripting master.
Pirateado de GFXtoday3DS Max Video Training | Hotfile-FileServe-FileSonic | 1.12Gb
In this first DVD in our MAXScript Fundamentals series Laszlo will take you through the first principles of MAXScript, such as Variables, Properties, For Loops, Flow Control, making your code into a MacroScript for easier access on your toolbars, Functions and how to make your own custom Functions from your own MAXScript code.
This DVD is aimed at an intermediate 3dsmax user who wants to harness the power of MAXScript and at those moving over to 3dmax from another platform that need to transfer their scripting skills. MAXScript will allow you to both to make your workflow easier via custom tools, and also to push beyond any limits placed on you by the systems GUI.
Note: No previous programming or scripting experience is needed for this DVD.
Pirateado de GFXtoday3DS Max Video Training | Hotfile-FileServe-FileSonic | 3.3Gb
This is the first DVD in a series that will teach you the theory and practical aspects of rendering and lighting within 3dsmax and Maya. This DVD focuses on the theoretical aspects of light and colour, such as light reflection, colour temperature, dynamic range and much more. This DVD forms a solid foundation on which the lessons of DVD2 and beyond will be built.
This DVD is aimed at a user that has a basic practical knowledge of 3dsmax or Maya. It does not require any previous knowledge about rendering and lighting and aims to teach the topic from the ground up.
Pirateado de GFXtoday http://www.fileserve.com/file/gNgpvV4
SitniSati FumeFX v2.1a for 3DSmax 2011, 2010 32Bit & 64Bit
FumeFX is a fluid dynamics engine designed for simulation and rendering of realistic fire, smoke, explosion and other gaseous phenomena.
It’s versatility, robustness and intuitive workflow makes it a perfect solution for the most demanding tasks in the computer graphics industry. Almost every aspect of simulation can be customized through 3ds max scripting, allowing user to interfere with simulation computation at the lowest level.
What’s New in 2.1a
- FumeFX now supports fully interactive simulations. This means that user can change almost every parameter during the simulation and see it’s influence on the simulation result. It is even possible to change channels that will be saved to the output file, or to move objects and change their parameters.
- Version 2.1 introduces Variable Density solver that uses smoke density and temperature as variables. The result of this addition is increased physical realism, where cold air and dense smoke will have stronger inertia compared to the hot air and lower density smoke.
- New is also the CFL condition parameter that directly controls the number of simulation steps. This is the value that defines the maximum distance allowed for any cell data (velocity, smoke, fire, etc..) to travel in one simulation step. If velocities are bigger then defined by this condition, simulation sub steps will be initiated.
- New Advanced advection scheme that reduces dissipation.
- Default simulation uses all cores during the Wavelet Turbulence calculations, which results in significant speedup.
- finalRender 3.5 Global Iiiumination is now up to 6x faster !
- Preview Window now prints out 3ds max frame number.
- Added ability to stop/continue Retimer.
- Various bug fixes from eariler versions.
New in 2.0
Wavelet Turbulence mode: Allows users to add extra detail to low resolution simulations.
Post processing: Gives users the ability to tighten (shrink) the FumeFX grid as much as possible around smoke and fire to limit memory consumption.
Retiming: Lets users slow down and speed up their simulation caches.
Fuel-specific weight parameter: This parameter allows you to increase weight of the fuel causing it to be directly affected by the gravity.
Temperature can now control where fire creates smoke. When temperature is above a set threshold, smoke will be added to the grid.
New FumeFX_Burn WSM: Allows you to affect your mesh’s vertex color based on FumeFX values.
Turbulence and Forces are now visible inside the viewport even if grid is not simulated.
New Void Source: This helper will erase all the fields inside or outside of it (depending on the settings).
The FumeFX Object Source helper now can handle multiple objects
The FumeFX Particle Source helper now uses AfterBurn style controls.
New FumeFX Source: You can now use one FumeFX source as the source for another FumeFX simulation.
Auto Synchronize Paths option now added to Global FumeFX Preferences so that when you change the Delault Output path, any Wavelet Turbulence, Retiming and Preview Window paths will be changed automatically as well.
In the Preferences dialog, you can change Presets folder.
The FumeFX Preview Window will now update if you rotate the active viewport.
You can now change the Preview path from within the FumeFX UI
You now have the option to choose the codec for the FumeFX Preview Window. Note: some codecs will not be suitable and will generate an error. (e.g. – DivX requires that you increase default width of PW)
The Velocity channel added to the list of FusionWorks Render Elements.
Pirateado de CG PersiaCebas Thinking Particles R4.0 SP1 for 3DsMax 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 32Bit & 64Bit
thinkingParticles™ 4.0 is the next generation rule based particle system for 3ds Max and 3ds Max Design, offering unparalleled power to the user. thinkingParticles in its latest incarnation, Release 4, (R4) redefines Fluid, Rigid Body and Particle F/X simulation in a whole new way.
The advantage thinkingParticles delivers over event-based particle systems, (which works on triggers and time dependent events) made it the #1 choice of Uncharted Territory for creating Fluid, Rigid Body Dynamics and Particle Effects for their movie production of “2012.” thinkingParticles was the key production tool responsible for driving the most prominent special effects in the movie “2012″. Our latest additions to the software made it so powerful, it actually rendered the need for practical effects to zero!!
We trust, that you will find, by using thinkingParticles 4.0, that you will be able to create all the incredible effects that you have always wanted to create, but until now, have not been able to, due to the limitation of existing technologies.
What’s New in thinkingParticles R4
With every major release of thinkingParticles new features are introduced, extending the power and flexibility of thinkingParticles by a magnitude, as compared to its predecessor. Release 4 represents a milestone in advancing the feature set.
Most of its new functionality was born out of the need for advanced technical effects that were required by several major block buster movie productions, such as: Roland Emmerich’s “2012″ that was all about demolition and disaster, Director John Woo’s “Red Cliff” which had an epic ship battle of more than 4000 burning and crashing ships, and sequences in the movie GI Joe “Rise of the Cobra” that needed our development attention as well.
Find below: a list of visible and invisible changes done to thinkingParticles R4 when compared to thinkingParticles R3.
Enhanced Operators
thinkingParticles ships with many operator nodes; its great flexibility and concept of wiring everything with everything offers an endless combination of nodes and setups, used to create particle effects. With every new node added to the tool set, the combinations and possible uses for effects increases by a magnitude.
This release of thinkingParticles is not only about adding complete new nodes, it is also about enhancing existing nodes, which offer extended benefits, as completely new nodes are expected to do.
The following existing thinkingParticles Nodes have been changed/enhanced
Intersect Node:
This node received new inputs and outputs to enhance its functionality.
New Inputs: Particle Shape, UVW Channel
New Outputs: Object Position, Face ID, Face Coordinates
One To X:
A new more generalized data stream concept has been introduced to this helper node
New: the Type of data stream connected and output can now be selected
Surface Pos Node:
New inputs have been added to this node to enhance its functionality
New Inputs: UVW, Particle Shape
Volume Pos Node:
By adding a new input to this node, particle shapes can now be used to define the volume for placing or generating particles.
New Input: Particle Shape
A new object state has been introduced to this node, the “No tracking” option will not use any transformation information at all, except position.
New Selection Option: Initial Velocity
“None” now really does NO tracking at all
Get Reference Operator: by adding a new Number of Refs output, it is now possible to request the total number of references which a particle possesses.
New Output: Number of Refs, outputs the number of references
Particles can now attach to other particles either relative or absolute
New Option : Absolute
New Option : Relative
Fragment Operator:
A lot of fine tuning has been done to this operator. New inputs and features have been added.
New in Fragment Shape section: Segments
New in Remaining Shape section: Segments
New function for Edges: Automatic texture mapping added
New Inputs: Segments, R Segments
The NVIDIA PhysX dynamics solver is now true 64-Bit.
Pirateado de CG PersiaPirateado de Intercambios Virtuales
Brazil r/s is the industry standard for high-end quality, flexibility, reliability, and artist-friendly workflow in 3ds Max.
max 2010 32/64 | max 2011 32/64
Stunning Quality, Superior Design, Rock-Solid Stability
No matter how mundane it may sound, reliability in your renderer, and especially on your renderfarm, is key to your ability to work efficiently, deliver on schedule, and avoid unexpected interruptions during a job. Brazil has always had a reputation for great reliability and we believe V2 will be setting new standards for how reliable a renderer can be.
The Highest Quality
We could go on and on about the benefits of quality software, and the technicals behind how Brazil r/s allows artists to attain images of superior quality, but ultimately, it’s the imagery and the work that speak for themselves.
Whether your needs include film quality production rendering, architectural or engineering visualization or just 3D artistic expression, Brazil r/s is the renderer of choice for artists and studios world-wide. By being a truly compatible 3ds Max renderer, and by supporting the widest possible range of 3rd party plug-ins, Brazil r/s V2 lets you achieve any desired style of rendered output without having to retool your entire pipeline to suit a specific renderer.
3Ds Max 2010 32/64 (6.24 MB)
1 – Links Hotfile :
2 –Links Fileserve :
3Ds Max 2011 32/64 (6.21 MB)
1 – Links Hotfile :
2 –Links Fileserve :
Special thanks to our friend CGnut for fixing this software
Known Issue :
Works Fine but when you want to stop the render, (render window + Brzil core) window starts flickering very fast you can’t close it.
The problem above Fixed by CGnut :
updated patch only
max 2010 32/64 :
max 2011 32/64 :
installers with updated patch
max 2009 32/64 :
max 2010 32/64 :
max 2011 32/64 :
Pirateado de CG PersiaUn excelente video que me encantó, disfrútenlo...
Pirateado de WTF de Microsiervos
KAWAI Score Maker FX5 Pro 5.0.011 | 132 MB
World-class music recognition feature is steady progress! Richer editing capabilities to create full-fledged music! Manufactured by a leading score with ease and peace of mind as a series FX5 domestic music notation software. We will send all of your music with more music. (translation by google translator)
More info: http://www.kawai.co.jp/cmusic/products/sm/fx5pro.htm
Note: in the .nfo says the application is in English, i haven't tested yet...
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Pirateado de AvaxHome
Autodesk Inventor Publisher 2011 R1 Xforce Win (32/64) bit
Fomat: iSO | WiN32: 1.02GB | WiN64: 1.06GB
Make Technical Documentation a Competitive Advantage
Need help explaining and differentiating your products? Autodesk® Inventor® Publisher technical communication software extends the power of Digital Prototyping, giving manufacturers the ability to work directly with engineering CAD data to create compelling 2D and interactive 3D documentation. Highly visual technical documentation created with Inventor Publisher can help increase your competitive advantage by reducing documentation and service costs, accelerating time to market, and improving your customers’ experience with your products.
Product Features : :
Maximize your investment in 3D—Extend the value of your CAD data to technical documentation teams.
Import common 3D CAD formats—Autodesk Inventor, CATIA, ProENGINEER, DWG (3D), DWF, STEP, IGES, and SAT.
Explain products visually—Explode and animate 3D assemblies, adding annotations, detail views, BOM tables, and more.
Complete documentation sooner—Associative updates with Autodesk® Inventor® software help technical documentation teams start earlier and work concurrently with engineering.
Publish in the best format for your audience—Adobe® Flash®, 3D PDF, video, Microsoft® Word and PowerPoint®, raster and vector images, and a new interactive format.
Date: October 19th, 2010
Type: CAD
OS: WiN32-WiN64
Win 32 :
1 –Links Fileserve :
2 –Links Uploading :
Win 64 :
1 –Links Fileserve :
2 –Links Uploading :
Pirateado de CG Persia